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Knee Joint Injections

Arthrosamid® for Knee Osteoarthritis:

Arthrosamid is a treatment designed to provide years of pain relief for individuals suffering from osteoarthritis in the knee. This injectable gel acts as a cushion for the knee joint, potentially reducing pain and improving joint function. Unlike some other treatments that require frequent injections, Arthrosamid is administered through a single injection, which may offer pain relief for up to a year or more in some patients. This makes it a convenient option for those seeking long-term relief without the need for continuous treatments.

The gel consists of a substance called polyacrylamide, which is both non-biodegradable and biocompatible, meaning it is designed to remain in the body without breaking down and should not cause adverse reactions. After receiving an injection of Arthrosamid, patients are often able to resume their usual activities swiftly, making it a practical choice for managing knee osteoarthritis pain and improving the quality of life.


Ostenil® Plus: Revolutionary hyaluronic acid solution for joint pain management


Ostenil Plus is a treatment designed to alleviate pain and improve mobility in joints affected by osteoarthritis. It is commonly used when traditional pain relief methods, such as painkillers or physical therapy, have not provided sufficient relief. The main component of Ostenil Plus is hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps to lubricate and cushion your joints. The treatment involves injecting this solution directly into the joint space, where it acts like a lubricant and shock absorber, helping to facilitate smoother joint movements and reduce discomfort.


The procedure is generally quick and can be performed in a doctor's office. Patients usually experience minimal discomfort during the injection, and the benefits can last for up to 18 months, varying from person to person. After the treatment, you may be advised to avoid strenuous activities for a couple of days to allow the joint to settle. Ostenil Plus can be a viable option for those seeking to manage their symptoms of osteoarthritis more effectively, aiming to improve their quality of life by reducing pain and increasing joint function.

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PRP Injections: Harnessing your body's healing potential for early osteoarthritis of the knee


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a treatment option for people experiencing pain and stiffness in their knees due to early stages of osteoarthritis, particularly when the damage is limited to a specific area. PRP is made from your own blood, which is processed to concentrate the platelets. These platelets are cells in your blood that help tissues heal and grow new cells. By injecting PRP directly into the knee, the aim is to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, potentially reducing inflammation and promoting the repair of damaged knee cartilage.


It's important to note that PRP injections are most effective for individuals with focal degenerative changes and early osteoarthritis. This means the treatment is specifically designed for patients whose osteoarthritis is not widespread throughout the joint but concentrated in a smaller area. If you're considering this treatment, a detailed assessment by a healthcare professional is essential to determine if it's suitable for your specific condition. PRP injections are one of several options available and should be considered carefully in the context of your overall health and treatment goals.


Cortisone Injections: Powerful joint and soft tissue anti-inflammatory and pain relief injection


Cortisone injections are a treatment option for people experiencing a flare-up of knee osteoarthritis, especially when it's accompanied by significant inflammation. These injections contain a type of medication known as a corticosteroid, which can rapidly reduce swelling and alleviate pain in the affected joint. This treatment is particularly useful if you find that your knee becomes unusually painful or swollen, indicating that your osteoarthritis has temporarily worsened. It’s a common choice for those seeking quick relief from acute symptoms, allowing you to move more easily and with less discomfort.


It’s important to understand that the relief provided by cortisone injections is generally temporary, lasting anywhere from a few weeks to about three months. This makes them an excellent option for managing particularly painful periods until other long-term solutions, such as physiotherapy or medication adjustments, can take effect. The goal of the injection is to minimise the immediate pain and inflammation, making daily activities and mobility more manageable. However, they are not a permanent solution, and discussing the frequency and timing of these injections with your healthcare provider is essential to avoid potential side effects from overuse.

Knee OA Injection Tool
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