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Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: What are The Differences?

woman with knee pain

Introduction to Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can cause pain and significantly impair mobility and quality of life. Among the various treatments available, Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid Knee injections are advanced therapies utilised to alleviate pain and improve joint function. Despite both being injectable treatments, they differ significantly in composition, mechanism of action, and overall effectiveness. This article provides an in-depth comparison of these two treatments, helping patients and healthcare providers make well-informed decisions regarding knee osteoarthritis management.

Composition of Arthrosamid vs. Hyaluronic Acid

Arthrosamid Composition:

Arthrosamid is a cutting-edge injectable hydrogel composed primarily of polyacrylamide, a synthetic polymer. Unlike other treatments, Arthrosamid’s hydrogel structure is non-biodegradable, meaning it is not absorbed or broken down by the body over time. The polyacrylamide hydrogel is highly hydrophilic, allowing it to bond with water molecules and expand, which enhances its cushioning effect in the joint. This distinctive composition ensures that Arthrosamid integrates into the synovial tissue, providing a durable and stable cushion within the knee joint, thereby reducing friction and mechanical stress.

Hyaluronic Acid Composition:

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan found in various connective tissues of the body, particularly within the synovial fluid of joints. In its injectable form, HA is typically derived either from animal sources, such as rooster combs, or synthesized through bacterial fermentation. The injectable HA is designed to supplement the natural hyaluronic acid that is often diminished in osteoarthritic joints. The substance itself is biodegradable, meaning it gradually breaks down and is absorbed by the body, necessitating repeat injections for continued effectiveness.

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Mechanism of Action

Arthrosamid Mechanism of Action:

The mechanism of action of Arthrosamid is centered around its ability to enhance the viscoelastic properties of the synovial fluid and to integrate with the synovial membrane of the knee joint. Upon injection, the hydrogel forms a cohesive bond with the synovial tissue, creating a cushioning layer that effectively reduces the mechanical load and stress on the joint surfaces. This integration not only provides immediate pain relief but also helps to maintain joint space, potentially slowing down the progression of osteoarthritis. The hydrogel’s long-lasting presence in the joint means that its benefits can extend well beyond the typical duration seen with other injectable treatments, providing patients with sustained relief from pain and improved joint function over several years.

Hyaluronic Acid Mechanism of Action :

HA works primarily by restoring the normal viscosity and elasticity of the synovial fluid in osteoarthritic joints. In healthy joints, hyaluronic acid facilitates smooth, frictionless movement and acts as a shock absorber during physical activities. In osteoarthritis, the concentration and molecular weight of hyaluronic acid in the joint fluid decrease, leading to increased friction and pain. By injecting HA into the joint, the treatment temporarily replenishes this lost component, improving the lubrication of the cartilage surfaces and enhancing the shock-absorbing capabilities of the synovial fluid. While this leads to a reduction in pain and improvement in joint mobility, the effects are generally temporary, with the need for repeated treatments to maintain the therapeutic benefits.

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Arthrosamid has been shown to be highly effective in managing knee osteoarthritis, particularly in terms of long-lasting pain relief and improved joint function. Clinical studies have indicated that patients receiving Arthrosamid injections experience significant reductions in pain, with the effects lasting for up to three years or more. This prolonged effectiveness is attributed to the stable integration of the hydrogel into the joint tissue, which continues to provide mechanical support and cushioning long after the initial injection. Additionally, Arthrosamid’s ability to maintain joint space and reduce mechanical stress on the joint surfaces may also contribute to a slower progression of osteoarthritis, making it a valuable option for patients seeking long-term solutions to chronic knee pain.

HA has long been a mainstay in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis due to its ability to provide temporary relief from pain and improve joint mobility. The effectiveness of HA injections, however, can vary widely among patients. Typically, the benefits of HA injections last between 6 to 18 months, after which the treatment needs to be repeated. The variability in patient response is a key consideration when choosing between hyaluronic acid and other treatment options like Arthrosamid. Nevertheless, due to its established safety profile and widespread use, HA remains a popular choice, particularly for patients who prefer a treatment with a long history of clinical use.

ultrasound guided knee injection

Patient Suitability

When considering injectable treatments for knee osteoarthritis, the severity of the condition plays a crucial role in determining the most appropriate option.

HA injections are generally more suitable for patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis:

  • Ideal for early-stage OA (Kellgren-Lawrence grades I-II)

  • Effective for patients with mild to moderate pain

  • Suitable for those who still have adequate joint space

  • Beneficial for patients who can tolerate multiple injections (every 6 to 12 months)

  • Often recommended for younger patients or those with less advanced disease

Arthrosamid is particularly well-suited for patients with more advanced knee osteoarthritis:

  • Effective for moderate to severe OA (Kellgren-Lawrence grades III-IV)

  • Suitable for patients with significant joint space narrowing

  • Beneficial for those who have not responded well to other injectable treatments

  • Ideal for patients seeking longer-lasting relief with fewer injections

  • Potentially effective even in cases of severe, 'bumper-to-bumper' or 'bone-on-bone' arthritis

Arthrosamid has shown promising results in patients who may be considering knee replacement surgery but wish to delay it or are at risk from potential surgical complications due to their comorbidities. The choice between HA and Arthrosamid should be made in consultation with an experienced doctor, taking into account the individual patient's age, disease severity, treatment history, and personal preferences. While HA injections remain a standard option for earlier stages of OA, Arthrosamid offers a new alternative for those with more advanced disease who are seeking longer-lasting relief.

xxray of knee with osteoarthritis (Right Mild, Left Severe)

Why Choose ACTIVATE for your Knee Injection?

As a patient, choosing ACTIVATE Musculoskeletal Clinic in Kent and London for Arthrosamid or Hyaluronic Acid injections means you’ll be under the expert care with a personalised approach. Each treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs, offering the most advanced and effective options available. Our focus is on providing long-lasting relief and improving your quality of life.


When it comes to managing knee osteoarthritis, both Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid offer valuable treatment options, each with distinct advantages. Arthrosamid’s unique composition and long-lasting effects make it an innovative and appealing choice for patients seeking extended relief from chronic knee pain. On the other hand, Hyaluronic Acid’s natural composition and established track record make it a trusted option, especially for those who may require repeated treatments over time. By understanding the differences in composition, mechanism of action, and effectiveness, patients and healthcare providers can make informed decisions that best suit individual needs and preferences in the management of knee osteoarthritis.

FAQ: Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections

1. What is knee osteoarthritis?

A degenerative joint disease causing pain and reduced mobility.

2. What are Arthrosamid and Hyaluronic Acid injections?

Injectable treatments to relieve knee osteoarthritis pain and improve joint function.

3. What is Arthrosamid made of?

A synthetic polyacrylamide hydrogel that provides long-lasting cushioning in the knee.

4. What is Hyaluronic Acid made of?

A natural substance found in joint fluid, either derived from animals or synthesized.

5. How does Arthrosamid work?

It integrates with the knee’s synovial membrane, reducing stress and providing extended pain relief.

6. How does Hyaluronic Acid work?

It restores joint fluid’s viscosity, improving lubrication and reducing pain temporarily.

7. How long does Arthrosamid last?

Up to three years or more with significant pain relief.

8. How long does Hyaluronic Acid last?

Typically 6 to 18 months, with effects varying among patients.

9. Who should consider Hyaluronic Acid?

Patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis who can tolerate repeated injections.

10. Who should consider Arthrosamid?

Patients with moderate to severe osteoarthritis seeking long-term relief.


About the Author: Dr. Mustafa Alnaib MBChB, MRCS, MSc, FEBOT is an orthopaedic surgeon, musculoskeletal doctor and Clinic Director at ACTIVATE Musculoskeletal Clinic in Kent.


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